In Person & Online

7th Annual Strategic Internal Communication Conference


Inner Strength Communication and SummersDirect Conference & Events have come together to present this blended event for internal communication, engagement & human resource professionals.

“IC the Future”

In the ever-evolving landscape of internal communication, staying ahead of the curve is essential for professionals to drive efficiency and effectiveness within organizations. The “IC the Future” theme is a strategic exploration into the intersection of AI, cutting-edge tools, and timeless old-school techniques that every internal communication professional should be aware of.

This year’s conference aims to empower attendees with the knowledge and skills needed to leverage proven internal communication strategies and the technological advancements for seamless communication within their organizations.

Nowhere else in Canada can internal communication practitioners find this level of highly focused professional development.

Join our email list for information about this event.


Hotel Information

Courtyard Toronto Downtown  

The group rate is $329.00/night + taxes and is available Nov. 3 – 6, 2024.

Book online here

Or call Marriott Reservations and make a booking at 1 (800) 847-5075


Online via Zoom 

In Person 

Courtyard Toronto Downtown

475 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4Y 1X7

Contact Us


Priya Bates, SCMP, ABC, MC, IABC Fellow, President,
Inner Strength Communication

Lucy Eckley,
Director & Lead Consultant, The Leading Story Ltd

Shel Holtz, SCMP, ABC, IABC Fellow, Senior Director of Communications, Webcor

Tanya Kreinin,
Chief Marketing Officer, University of Toronto

Chris Lee,
Vice President, Employee Experience & Internal Communication,
Gallagher Communications

Victoria Miller,
Director, Communications, Cardinal Health Canada

Russell Schuster,
Cardinal Health Canada

Shirley Anne Off,
Head of Communications, Justice Canada

Patrik Edvardsson, 
Director, Employee Communications & Engagement,

Nicole Barcellos,
Strategic and Integrated Communications Manager, Canada Impact Team, McDonald’s Canada

Matisse Hamel-Nelis,
ADS, CPACC, Consultant, Matisse Nelis Consulting & Professor, Durham College

David Bator,
Managing Director, AWI


Monday, November 4, 2024

All times are in Eastern

Any generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) output is synthetic. The categories of those outputs cover nearly every medium communicators employ in their day-to-day work: text, images, audio, and video. Veteran communicator Shel Holtz has been experimenting with GenAI since before OpenAI released ChatGPT 3.5 in November 2023 and has made it part of his workflows.

In this session Shel will help you:

  • Discover tools available for free or minimal cost that can take your communications to the next level.
  • See (and hear) real-world examples of synthetic media being used effectively in communication strategies.
  • Learn how to add synthetic media — and GenAI in general — to your routine workflows.
  • Understand how to address the risks associated with synthetic media and how to mitigate them.
  • Explore the future potential of synthetic media in communication.

Attendees who want to get hands-on with Synthetic Media should also sign up for Shel’s workshop.

Shel Holtz, SCMP, ABC, IABC Fellow, Senior Director of Communications, Webcor

Following several acquisitions, RLDatix, a global software company that aims to reimagine safety in healthcare, needed to clarify and simplify its global offering. This session will look at the key challenges the new brand tried to address and how the internal communications team used this externally focused initiative to make the case for investing in a dedicated internal comms campaign.

It will look at how the team secured funding and helped re-focus the campaign on winning the inside as a key driver and enabler of business success. It will explore:

  • How to make the case for internal investment as part of a change initiative.
  • How to use listening and audience insights as a key tactic to evolve a plan.
  • How to use leaders as change agents.
  • How to adapt when everything changes.

Patrik Edvardsson, Director, Employee Communications & Engagement, RLDatix

Session information to be announced.

Today’s audiences – be they employees, citizens or clients – are more diverse than ever and that diversity is an opportunity.  In a world where division seems more prevalent than inclusion, how and why do we build for communications that celebrates diversity, strengthens inclusion, respects and values different experiences and is compassionate. 

In this session, Shirley Anne will:

  • Share experiences of where she and her teams took trauma-informed approaches to communications and why it matters
  • Delve into initiatives focused on reconciliation with Indigenous peoples
  • Explore the value of building teams that reflect the diversity of the Canada
  • Speak honestly about doing this important work as a white, CIS gender woman with an invisible disability

Shirley Anne Off, Head of Communications, Justice Canada

Join Tanya Kreinin, Chief Marketing Officer at the University of Toronto, as she unveils the journey behind the university’s new brand portal—a state-of-the-art platform at the heart of a brand transformation.

This session will explore how the portal has become the most embraced communications resource across U of T, uniting staff, faculty and stakeholders around a shared vision. We will examine the portal’s inception and strategic framework and highlight how it is promoting strategic unity in a historically decentralized institution.

You will discover how the portal’s practical guidelines, innovative tools and extensive resources help foster an environment that values unity while respecting diversity and empowers the U of T community to achieve excellence in strategic communications and brand stewardship. You will also get insights into the successful Defy Gravity brand platform, which laid the groundwork for this transformative tool and aligns with the university’s rich heritage and future ambitions.

Key Takeaways

  • Cultural Change: Explore how the brand portal catalyzed a shift from decentralization to unified strategic communications, transforming cultural norms and operations across U of T.
  • Blueprint for Success: Learn about the strategic planning, stakeholder engagement and governance that underpinned the portal’s success, offering a blueprint that could be replicated in other large organizations.
  • Challenges and Triumphs: Understand the complexities of implementing a large-scale branding initiative within a decentralized structure and the strategic decisions that led to its success.
  • Operational Efficiency: Examine the innovative resources and tools developed for the brand portal and how they enhance operational efficiency, innovation and communication excellence at U of T.
  • Broader Applicability: Gain insights into how these strategies and tools can enhance unity and strategic alignment in any large, complex organization, driving internal cohesion and external reputation.

Tanya Kreinin, Chief Marketing Officer, University of Toronto

Internal communicators are often working behind the scenes, doing amazing work to share other people’s stories. They tend to spend less time on their own story. Yet they can’t afford to be invisible!

A compelling personal brand story helps communication professionals stand out from the crowd as they pursue their career aspirations.

This interactive breakout session will provide valuable time for participants to reflect on their personal and professional story: Who they are, what they do, why they do it and the unique value they bring.

Learning outcomes – attendees will:

  • Understand why building a personal brand story is vital at every career stage
  • Feel clear on the key elements to include in their story
  • Know exactly what they need to do next to start building their story

Lucy Eckley, Founder, The Leading Story

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

All times are in Eastern

Every year the Gallagher State of the Sector gathers insights from thousands of organizations around the world about the state of internal communications and a common theme invariably shows up. Too many employers view the role of communicator as a tactical step in a process, and do not see the value in committing appropriate resources to this critical function. In this session we will look at insights from the State of the Sector to jump start conversations about how we, as communicators, can redefine our roles and value to our organizations. It’s time to discuss the spectrum between grammar and channel selection, all the way to how we can leverage key organizational insights and effective ways to yield meaningful outcomes and behaviours from employees, and lead to shifts in culture.

Chris Lee, Vice President, Employee Experience & Internal Communication, Gallagher

In a post-pandemic world, employees are starved for connectivity and stability. Cardinal Health Canada is evolving its culture and proving stability during change, while and implementing a growth strategy where its employees feel empowered, engaged, and represented. Its communication strategy revolves around authentic, vulnerable leadership messaging, consistent use of communication channels, and by leveraging technology. 

During the session you will learn:

  • How to effectively engage your teams through significant change
  • Benefits to leveraging technology to engage professional and front-line employees
  • The power of the relationship between the business leader and communications executive

Victoria Miller, Director, Communications, Cardinal Health Canada

Russell Schuster, President, Cardinal Health Canada

Research shows that for organizations looking to improve the employee experience, creating conditions for belonging have an immediate and lasting effect.

Employees who feel a sense of belonging are more engaged and have higher job satisfaction, better mental health, and improved productivity.

In this interactive session, David Bator, Managing Director of Achievers Workforce Institute (AWI) will share a tactical, practical perspective on how to ensure that every employee feels Welcomed, Known, Included, Supported, and Connected.

With the rise of influencer marketing, brands are continuously seeking passionate advocates to connect with their audiences—individuals who are authentic, engaging, and relatable. But what if these advocates came from within the organization? At McDonald’s Canada, we discovered an almost limitless pool of ambassadors among our crew members, who have a genuine love for their jobs and the brand they represent. In this session, learn how McDonald’s Canada invested in a group of restaurant employees, training them alongside top Canadian influencers, and providing them with the tools to realize their influencer ambitions and become unparalleled brand advocates.


Nicole Barcellos, Strategic and Integrated Communications Manager, Canada Impact Team, McDonald’s Canada

Join us for an insightful panel discussion on the cutting-edge technologies transforming internal communication within organizations. In this session, Priya will provide a comprehensive overview of the various technology platforms available, highlighting their unique features and benefits. Following this, she will conduct interviews with Internal Communication Leaders who have successfully negotiated and implemented these technologies to enhance communication within their teams.
  • Gain valuable insights and practical tips from experts who are at the forefront of leveraging technology.
  • Learn how they made the business case to encourage investment from their organizations.
  • Understand how technology has led to communication effectiveness, measurement, and credibility and added iv
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to revolutionize your internal communication strategies!

As accessibility legislation continues evolving across Canada and worldwide, organizations need to stay informed and compliant. This session will provide an in-depth look at upcoming accessibility legislation changes, highlighting the key differences across provinces and countries. Attendees will learn what it takes to ensure their internal communications are accessible and meet the legal requirements in your region while also learning how to foster and maintain a culture of accessibility.

Join Matisse Hamel-Nelis, ADS, CPACC, to gain valuable insights and practical strategies for navigating these changes and fostering an inclusive workplace.


  1. Understand accessibility legislation
    • Gain a comprehensive overview of the upcoming changes in accessibility legislation across Canada and internationally, focusing on provincial differences and their implications for businesses.
  1. Implement accessible internal communications
    • Learn best practices for ensuring that all internal communications, including emails, documents, and intranet content, meet accessibility standards and are inclusive for all employees.
  1. Develop a proactive accessibility strategy and culture
    • Learn how to create a proactive plan to stay ahead of future accessibility requirements, ensuring your organization continuously improves while fostering a culture of accessibility, equity, and inclusion.

Post Conference Workshops

Wednesday November 6, 2024

All times are in Eastern

Shel Holtz, SCMP, ABC, IABC Fellow, Senior Director of Communications, Webcor

Join Shel Holtz in a hands-on workshop during which Shel will guide you through the creation of several types of synthetic media. (Don’t forget to bring your laptops).
  • Clear away the haze, the myths, and the confusion about GenAI
  • Learn the many ways GenAI-produced media can save you time, lift your productivity, and increase your value to the organization
  • Create and refine images, add a real person to images, clone your voice, create an AI twin, and more.
  •  Go back to work, ready to make GenAI your indispensable communication assistant.

Priya Bates, SCMP, ABC, MC, IABC Fellow, President, Inner Strength Communication

You’ve all heard about IQ (Intelligence Quotient) that measures intellectual abilities. You’ve also heard about EQ (Emotional Intelligence) which talks to how well you handle your emotions and the emotions of people around you. A new and growing area of interest is CQ® (Cultural Intelligence) which talks about your ability to work effectively in culturally diverse situations. 
According to the Cultural Intelligence Centre, CQ® is becoming a ‘must have’ for working and leading in the 21st century world. Understanding cultural value preferences make a difference in whether you thrive or struggle in today’s Canadian and global multicultural contexts. 
In this workshop, you will:
  • Learn about Cultural Intelligence CQ®
  • Take a CQ® Assessment to understand your own strengths and opportunities 
  • Understand your own values and where they fall in a cultural context
  • Create a personal action plan to improve CQ®
CQ® assessments are being taken by leaders working global environments, education and healthcare professionals having to work in multicultural environments, and those organizations preparing leaders for future demographic shifts. 
Priya Bates is a certified facilitator with the Cultural Intelligence Centre. 

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Cancellation & Refund Policy

Substitution of delegates is permissible without prior notification. Refunds will be given for cancellations received in writing no later than 15 days prior to the conference date subject to an administration fee of $250 plus $32.50 for HST (in person) or $12.50 for GST (online). After this time, you are liable for the full registration fee even if you do not attend the conference. If you register during this 15 day period, you are also liable for the full fee. SummersDirect Inc. reserves the right to change program date, meeting place or content without further notice and assumes no liability for these changes.